Tri-Cities Wine Festival

This is one of my favorite wine festivals, primarily because it features several good wineries from Washington, Oregon, Idaho and British Columbia. Last year 83 wineries were represented at the festival. The picture below was the plaque awarded to last year’s best of show winner, the 2002 Merlot from Lost River Winery in Mazama, Washington.

The festival will be held at the Red Lion Inn in Pasco on Saturday, November 12 from 6:00 to 10:00 pm. Cost is $45 and with there likely to be over 200 wines to sample, I really feel that you get a lot of bang for your buck at this event. I haven’t missed this one for the last 20 years and my friends and I always have a great time attending.

The best way to get information and order tickets is to go online to Book a room at the Red Lion while you’re at it, and you won’t have to worry about driving after the festival. Call the hotel directly for the special $77 room rate (if you try to book it online they’ll ding you for a higher rate). Reservations can be made by phoning (509) 547-0701.

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